Never in my life did I ever think I would have a child hospitalized at Doernbecher children's hospital. But that’s exactly where we found ourselves November 4th, 2010!! About a week of Evelyn being fussy, not really sick but very much not herself, we took her into Kaisers urgent care. They thought she might have croup. They didn’t have the breathing treatment she needed so they sent us up to Doernbechers emergency! There we got the treatment she needed and they sent us home. But not without having us make an appointment with our pediatrician for the very next day!
At our appointment with our pediatrician the first thing they did was check her oxygen level. It was 86. They don’t like the levels to be under 96! 92 would be really pushing it!! So, they tried another machine, 86. Just to be really sure they tried yet another machine!! 86!!
Faster than I knew what was happening, my daughter was hooked up to oxygen! Little did I know, she wouldn’t be unhooked for another three days. The doctor and nurses watched her for a while, gave her another breathing treatment and we took her for chest x-rays. Finally they told me that she was going to be admitted up at Doernbecher. That meant a ride in the ambulance!!! I have never been in an ambulance. Now I find myself watching two paramedics strap Evie, in her car seat, to the gurney.
For the next three days she was on constant oxygen, IV fluids and monitored. With three different lines hooked up to her is was hard to even hold her.
Doctors and nurses were in and out at day and night. I felt like Evie would just fall asleep when someone would come in and need to check something. Answers were hard to get because they were waiting on lab results on the many swabs and blood they were taking. Early day two they told us it was pneumonia so IV antibiotics were given. But later that day they gave us their real diagnosis. RSV caused by pneumonia.
The antibiotics kicked in and she started to improve. After three FULL days she was off her oxygen and IV. They were ready to let us take her home!
I am so thankful she is better and pray daily that we never have to have one of our children hospitalized again.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's Pumpkin Time!!!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Catching up
I know that not many people read my blog but that's not really why I started it. I want it to be a journal\scrapbook sort of thing for me to remember all the wonderful things that God has let us experience.
That being said, I have some catching up to do. I will start with Evelyn's Birthday!!
September 8th, 2010, was the day our family was made complete. Weighing in at an even 9 pounds and 22 inches long, she was our biggest baby! I still couldn't believe were having a girl. In fact, when I heard her cry I asked the doctor "Is it really a girl?" There was a bit of chuckling in the room after that question!!
We couldn't be more in love with our baby girl. And her brothers can't keep their hands off her! Our family is complete.....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
For the Birds
The boys and I took a trip to the craft store today to pick out different activities for them to do this summer. One of the things I knew they would love is painting bird houses. They picked out their own bird house, we bought paint and brushes and we were ready. Here’s how it went……
We got everything set up outside and we were off.
Now, many of you know my boys well. Their personalities are VERY different!!!! The pictures below are perfect examples of how these two are different.
Carson likes to GO BIG!!! The bigger the brush the better. The more paint I can get on that big brush the better!!! He mixes colors and there is no rhyme or reason to what he does!! That’s Carson.
Asher, well look at him!!!!! He is precise. Very particular. He picked one of the smallest brushes so he could paint with detail!! That’s Asher!!!
Even though they are very different, they both painted beautiful houses for our neighborhood birds!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Carson’s 4!
He’s four!!! I can’t believe he’s four! We are so blessed with this little boy. There are struggles and attitudes at times, but at the heart of Carson is love. He loves to snuggle and kiss and hug. Thanks to all our family and friends who love and pray for him.
So, for his 4th birthday we took him to CHAP!! Children's Healing Art Project. It’s a small warehouse where kids can paint, glue, glitter, and paste on ANYTHING they want. Even themselves!!!! They have complete freedom to be creative.
Carson had a great time and we can’t wait to come back with other friends.
Thank you Heather for telling us about this place!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Finally Worthy!!
So apparently there has been nothing worthy in the last six months of blogging. Not Thanksgiving, Christmas, Asher’s Christmas program, my birthday, Asher’s birthday, Doug’s birthday, trips we’ve made with the kids. NOTHING!!!!That has all ended! This morning, finally, something walked into my bedroom at 5:45 AM, that was worthy. Take a look…….
Yep, that’s my baby boy beautifully adorned with his own artwork!!!!! Isn’t he cute. Or he would tell you “It’s beautiful!”.
Apparently, he woke up this morning and thought, “I need to color myself a mustache and beard! And while I’m at it, something for my forehead!”. He’s special!!
But he didn’t stop there…….
Nope, he thought his whole body needed…”something”!!!
The big kicker is, today is his last day of preschool. And, on the last day of preschool they have a big program in the evening for all the parents and families to come and see what they have learned. THEY GET ON STAGE and sing songs and recite memory verses and poems!!!
Needless to say, I have gotten as much off of his face as I could before school. But, there are still faint markings. Looks like he’s going to be getting an early bath today!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Marysville School Fire
On our way home from school Tuesday, Carson and I couldn’t help but notice the HUGE amount of black smoke streaking across the sky. So I did what everyone else was doing, I followed the smoke. This is what I saw….
A sweet little 90 plus year-old school was on fire. I have never been this close to a fire and is was scary. Carson and I actually got there before any fire trucks so these pictures are right at the start of the fire.
Luckily, all the students and staff got out safe. Fire drills really do serve a purpose! BUT, all the kids lost all their school supplies and belongings. Koin6 with the Dollar Tree are asking anyone who can to donate. They would like any and all school supplies the kids would need along with backpacks, coats, lunch boxes, hats, etc. You can make your donation at any Dollar Tree location in Portland. If nothing else we all can pray that this transition will be easy and safe for all involved.