Monday, June 21, 2010

Carson’s 4!


He’s four!!!  I can’t believe he’s four!  We are so blessed with this little boy.  There are struggles and attitudes at times, but at the heart of Carson is love.  He loves to snuggle and kiss and hug. Thanks to all our family and friends who love and pray for him. 

So, for his 4th birthday we took him to CHAP!!  Children's Healing Art Project.  It’s a small warehouse where kids can paint, glue, glitter, and paste on ANYTHING they want.  Even themselves!!!!  They have complete freedom to be creative. 

Carson had a great time and we can’t wait to come back with other friends.   



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Thank you Heather for telling us about this place!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Heather Elizabeth said...

Yeah, you made it! I hope you had a good time and didn't ruin too many clothes :) Happy Birthday Carson!